Monday, August 31, 2009


This MISLEADING ADD was featured on Time Warner Cable's home page about the 15th of August and I had to check it out for myself.

Online Jobs Journal is a misleading ad.
"Work at home mom" Mary Steadman (Google results not good)

This Online Jobs Journal web page was actually the page that was featured on
I signed up with the company featured for the "Google Biz Kit" and at that time it said I never got a kit in the mail "go figure". When you sign up with them they charge you $1.97 for shipping for a fictitious kit on how to make money online with Google.
As you may or may not know by now "Google" will pay you money for advertizing for them through "Adsense".  After 5 days and no kit in the mail, I cancelled my account and called their customer service at (800).416.1339 and a guy that I could barely understand told me that the $1.99 was not for a kit in the mail, it was for a login and password so I could read all the info online. Now you would think that if you signed up for a kit in the mail you get a kit in the mail but according to them there is no kit in the mail. Just another misleading, deceiving, conniving website trying to take your hard earned money. By the way if you are gullible enough to sign up with these people, PLEASE cancel your order before 7 days from the day you signed up or they will charge you $69+ dollars for their info EVERY month after that. NO VACELINE included in that charge by the way.
thank you and stay clear of misleading add like these, even if its on Time Warner Cable's home page.
If you close the page then you get this:

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